There are many ways of doing a thing, but the masters know the best way to do it. We develop with the thought in mind that less complex the process is faster would be the result
Custom CRM Systems
At Dreamster we create custom-designed CRM system which will enable you to manage and automate your business processes to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps you manage your daily interactions with current and prospective clients. The CRM can be accessed through your CMS and reporting functionality comes standard.<br /> By using this technology, different departments like sales, customer service, management, accounts within your company can store information about a particular client all in one convenient and easily accessible location.
Content Management Systems
The CMS is technology which gives you the freedom to quickly and easily manage your website content. At Dreamster Software Technologies we design and develop user-friendly CMS platform that allows you to access and manage your website content from anywhere, anytime and by multiple users. The content includes text, images and PDF downloads. It supports all browsers and different platforms and devices.
Programmatic Coding
After the design concepts (UI/UX) for your website are complete, the development team is responsible for a number of ‘behind the scenes’ tasks. The functioning and data integrity of your website is very much important and we critically develop each functionality and give special care to every minute aspects of your website. It is a collaborative effort between many departments within Dreamster that does much more than just the CMS, including creating and managing domains, factoring in SEO, integrating existing systems, creating a customized content management system, programming, and even security.
Internal Web Applications
Intranets are something like an internal website which is generally used within your organization to share information that is accessed by staff. The main difference between an internet and an intranet can be defined as the internet is sharing resources between businesses whereas an intranet is sharing resources within a business. You can share and store all sorts of information including surveys, hold forums, provide training modules, store videos, view calendars, event information and access HR resources.